
Friday, July 21, 2006

Semester and stuffs

It's coming to the opening of the new semester for me and fellow uni students. This week and the next would be hectic as there are more to do. Class registration, orientation, talks, tuition...all in a week..hmm..this is where Time Management 101 comes in handy..hehe..I would either fail badly or pass with flying colours for this unit as sometimes people say I'm a multi-purpose working person, but we'll see..hehe..hopefully I won't explode before my end comes. Anyway, what's up? Next week orientation for new degree students, class registration for current students. Of course there would be those that come at 5.00 a.m. Yes, 5.00 a.m. I repeat again..5.00 a.m. morning, NOT night. Why you might ask? Because they want the classes according to what they have planned. Of course it's good to have the classes you want but it's crazy to have those who rush for the class registration. By the way, the class registration starts at 8.30 a.m. Of course there would be those queue-cutters, not only one by one queue-cutting but there are those who cut in groups. Is this what they mean by Uni of Tech? hmm...there's a thought. There are also those who are smart enough to have friends register them instead. hmm...I may not be joining in the queue-cutting moment as I'll be involve in giving talks with Adrian at St Joe. Only two of us la..I do hope I get the classes that I want and there's always Plan B.
It's the best feeling to give talks to those in need and those interested. Whenever you give a talk to a group of people/students, it feels exciting/fulfilling. I guess that's the feeling of speakers and lecturers when they give their talks.
The Witness Musical Drama is still on and we're in need of choirs/singers. So far it's been going great and the voices are...fuyo!!! Thanks to the efforts of our conductors and also to my Basses for teaching me.
Anyway, we'll just see how everything goes next week.


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